EPWP Summit
EPWP 2018 Summit
- Day One - 13 November 2018
- Opening Speech of the EPWP Summit by TW Nxesi MP, Minister of Public Works, 13 November 2018
- EPWP, International Experience of Public Employment Programme - Michael Samson
- Biography of Dr Michael Samson
- Overview Presentation on EPWP Phase 3 Performance - Dr Eric Musekene
- EPWP Phase 4 Presentation - Deputy Director-General: Stanley Henderson
- EPWP Progress on the 2016 Summit Resolutions held November 2016
- Day Two - 14 November 2018
- EPWP Policy, Audit & Recruitment Guidelines
- Beneficiary Testimony – Mandlenkosi Hlophe
- Mandlenkosi Hlophe Profile
- African fashion designers showcase their latest collections, Mandlenkosi Hlophe
- Commission 1 – Governance and Coordination Mechanism
- Commission 2 – Sustainable Livelihoods and Convergence
- Commission 3 – Expansion, Innovation and Partnerships
- Commission 4 – Compliance, Monitoring and Reporting
- Summit Resolutions, Deputy Director General: Stanley Henderson
EPWP 2016 Summit
- Day One - 15 November 2016
- Purpose of the Summit
- International Experience in PEP.EPWP Summit 14 nov 2016
- Mr SW Henderson.EPWP Defined.Overview and Prospects.Final.EPWP Summit
- Mr I Ariyo.Progress on the 2016 Summit Resolutions.Final
- Ms C. Abrahams.Governance Structures. EPWP Summit Pesentation.Final
- EPWP Monitoring.Evaluation.ReportingSummit Presentation.Final
- Mr B Palime.Expanded Public Works Programme Summit Disability presentation
- Mr D Pillay.Recruitment Guildlines by EPWP Summit 15.11.16.final
- International Speaker.Mr H. Palarca.Ilo Response to Crisis Credits
- Day Two - 16 November 2016
- South Africa Developmental Progress 15 November 2016
- G Sibanda SDGs and EPWP 13 Nov 2016
- Ms S Pretorius Artisan Development Partnership wiith EPWP
- Mr L Clark EPWP SUMMIT PRESENTATION FOR THE 16 NOV 2016 as at 14 NOV 2016 LC Final
- EPWP Enterprise Development Partnership with Small Business Development EPWP Presentation 2
- Mr J Dyring EPWP Enterprise Development ILO Partnership with DPW EPWP summit
- Municipal Infrastructure Grant Mainstreaming of the EPWP and labour intensive based technologies EPWP Summit 2016
- Day Three - 17 November 2016
EPWP 2014 Summit
- Day One - 27 November 2014
- Day Two - 28 November 2014
- IDT – Social Facilitation & EPWP Best Practice - Dinkwanyane Phala
- Polokwane Municipality - Phillipine Kalauba
- EPWP Phase 3: Enhancing the Development Impact - Kate Philip
- EPWP - Innovations - Miriam Altman
- EPWP 4th Summit Resolutions 27-28 November 2014 - Stanley Henderson
- EPWP Summit - Commission 1 Institutional
- EPWP Summit - Commission 2 Sustainable Livelihoods
- EPWP Summit - Commission 3 Convegence
- EPWP Summit - Commission 4 EPWP Management
- EPWP Summit - Bloodhound Project
- EPWP Summit - Bloodhound Communication test
- Additional Documents